"Programmers talk about software development on weekends, vacations, and over meals not because they lack imagination, but because their imagination reveals worlds that others cannot see." Bei Google nach dem markiertem Wort suchen Bei Wikipedia nach ... decode(charfield,null,null,'',null,to_date(charfield,'yyyymmmdd')). Wobei ich der Einfachheit halber annehme, daß als Ausnahmen nur Nulls und Blanks auftauchen können. Gruß K-H. Programme gehorchen nicht Deinen Absichten ...
Charfield. On this fall day, inclement weather would not be a factor on the game, nor would rioting hooligans stop the play. The game was brought to a screeching halt before it even began by a most unlikely of culprits. You can guess the reason for cancellation all ... Bonds was affected even further that night as he was unable to locate his syringe in his pitch-black hotel room. 7. There's No Bats in Hockey The Date: 1975. The Place: Sabre/Flyer Game. The Sport: Hockey. ...